Goolag Scanner goes fishin

Storing classified Information on your webserver in hidden directories is not exactly very bright because you can be sure that google will index anything it can get.

The goolag scanner, which was recently released by the famous hacker group cultDeadcow actually found pornography on chinese government owned ( sites and security holes on western servers.

Please assume that files being stored in will easily be found by simple methods such as specially designed search queries:

intitle:index.of +”last modified” +”parent directory” +(pdf|doc) +”Secret” -htm -html -php -asp

Attacks on disk encryption keys

A Princeton computer scientist team has released a white paper which documents their cold boot attacks on encryption keys. The scenarios are based on a key recovery involving primarily laptop computers using various methods to keep the key stored in dram on a power off.

Very interesting article and a guideline on preventing attacks like this. The most effective way is certainly limiting boot options in order do prevent anyone booting up tools to steal your encryption key.
SecuriTeam Article

Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager

If you use encrypted ssh tunnels a lot you may find this tool pretty interesting.

Gstm is a fully functional gui for managing all your ssh tunnels and redirects.I really like this on the EEE PC because it saves a lot of keyboard interaction.

A simple apt-get install gstm will immediately install the software package, providing you have the correct repositories.

bildschirmfoto-ssh-tunnel-manager.png bildschirmfoto-tunnel-properties.png 

Microsoft Exchange Best Practices Analyzer

If you have the joy of administrating a Microsoft Exchange Mail Server and need a nifty tool for analyzing i can highly recommend the Microsoft Exchange Best Practices Analyzer

The analyzer will help you find sources of instability and performance problems and will assist you in configuring general policies for eMail usage.

Great tool  and until today, never heard of it.  Sometimes i just wish Microsoft would include tools like these directly into their products – or at least with the occasional service packs.

Chaos Communication Camp 2007 DVD released

Finally, some decent video footage from the most awesome event i attended in the last few years.

Some news that might interest all the happy campers out there:

The Erlangen CCC organisation Bits n Bugs is hosting the ICMP4 this year. Not too much info up yet but be sure to check out the event wiki and the event site


ICMP4 Website is up and the event ist sheduled for August 8-12

The ICMP is basically yet another outdoor hacker event which focuses on a lot of chill out and some lectures.