Managing Bookmarks on multiple machines

Ok, so you’ve got like 2 workstations, a notebook perhaps some netbooks and you have a load of bookmarks you want to have on all machines…. perhaps including your machine @ work….

There is a pretty nifty online bookmark manager plugin from StartAid which will allow you to manage your bookmarks online, publish them to other users and export to XML or HTML.

Get the Extension here

Here are some of the key features taken directly from the addon site:

– Similar feel to built in bookmark manager.
– All your bookmarks are accessible from Firefox and VIA through your personal account
– Built in Side Bar
– No Synchronization required, all changes are real-time
– Import existing bookmarks from your browser or favorite social bookmarking site.
– Your personal profile will allow you to track all your bookmark stats.
– Drag and Drop management system.
– Quick and Detailed bookmarking options.
– Organize bookmarks allows you to move multiple bookmarks and categories at once
– Quick Link buttons for your toolbar